Dorcas Orphans & Widows Ministry

The mission of Partners In Evangelism International is to promote world evangelization by establishing partnerships with national Christian missionaries to share spiritual, financial and material resources.
Rev. Francis Waweru,
National Director
About Us
Dorcas Orphans & Widows Ministry

Founded in 1985, PIEI strives to connect national missionaries with the funding and support they need by establishing and developing close partnerships with American churches. By empowering the people God has already placed on the front lines, we hope to see His Kingdom thrive in all corners of the globe!

Giving a Hand Up and Not a Hand Out
To provide holistic care {Physical, Spiritual, Mental & Social}. To assist widows, orphans and vulnerable children in reaching their highest potential through teaching/ assisting individuals in obtaining education, setting independency goals and life skills.

To move from dependency to dignity orphans, vulnerable children and widows/widowers in the Korio, Matathia and Mbau-ini communities of Kiambu County, Kenya. Offering a hand up and not a hand out.
DOWM Ministry provides Family Based Solutions For Widows and orphans in Kiambu County, mainly in the Korio, Mbau-ini and Matathia areas.
Many of our DOWM orphans have a single (widowed) parent or relative that they live with. DOWM helps to strengthen these widows and relatives to provide permanence, stability and safety for these children. We desire to reach out to these families and the communities that they live in. It is our desire to help without hurting. Empowering through education to bring each widow and orphan to the point of eventually being fully able to care for themselves and become strong members of their community and society as a whole.